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Huawei defies US to grow market share as RAN decline ends – Omdia
The worst is now behind vendors in the market for mobile network equipment, with Omdia forecasting slight growth outside China this year.
Dr. David Parker, former President and CEO of Marconi Optical Components, becomes CEO of Southampton Photonics
April 15, 2002
SOUTHAMPTON, U.K. -- Fiber-optic component and subsystem vendor,Southampton Photonics (SPI), today announced the appointment of Dr. DavidParker as President and Chief Executive Officer with effect from 16 April2002. Until recently Dr. Parker was President and Chief Executive of MarconiOptical Components (MOC) and it was under his stewardship that MOC wassuccessfully sold and transitioned to Bookham Technology in February thisyear. Prior to this Dr. Parker served as Vice President and General Managerof Agilent Technologies' Ipswich Components Operation, with responsibilityfor its single mode fiber-optic components. Co-founder, Don Spalinger, former acting President, said, "In David Parker,SPI has found a perfect wish-list match for our Chief Executive Officer. Weare fortunate in bringing him on board and I am greatly looking forward toworking on his team." Professor David Payne, SPI's Chairman, commented, "I have known and admiredDavid Parker for many years. He is very highly regarded in the opticalcomponents industry and has a tremendous reputation both as a technologistand as a very successful business leader and manager. He will bring greatstrategic and tactical direction to Southampton Photonics where he willapply his proven expertise in developing new opportunities to ourworld-leading in-fiber technology."Southampton Photonics Inc.
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