NOON -- The BBC News reports on a technology in the works that's really causing a stink:
Based at the School of Engineering at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Professor Nakamoto is building a range of gadgets and sensors which sniff, mix and pump out a range of hundreds of scents.
The story continues:
"Our intention is to make all smells reproducible," Professor Nakamoto said. "So, in this case we have combined two techniques: smell detection and smell generation."
We're way ahead of you buddy. Ever heard of Scratch 'n' Sniff stickers?
Nakoto's team tested the new technology out using a scene from a hit Japanese animation series Spirited Away:
A scene where the main character's parents gorge themselves on food before being transformed into pigs was enhanced with the smells of Chinese food, tofu and eventually the whiff of a pigsty.
Wait a second. Tofu has a smell?
— Red Panda, Light Reading