FREMONT, Calif. -- The Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF)announced today that the highest number of members attended the July31-August 2 meeting in Vancouver. During the quarterly meeting theInteroperability Working Group was formed to support development of furthertesting methodologies for both signaling and PLL implementation agreements(IAs). In addition, the PLL Working Group agreed to take on an additionaltechnical project addressing TFI-5 – TDM fabric to framer interface forOC-768."The high level of attendees is proof that the industry continues to supportthe significant strides the forum is making with regards to technicalspecifications," said Adam Dunstan, OIF president. "The OIF is continuallylooking for ways to advance and accelerate interoperability in opticalnetworks as evidenced by the formation of an Interoperability Working Groupand the additional new projects to be addressed within the forum."Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF)