PARIS -- The Board of Directors of France Telecom convened on Sunday February 27, 2005. The Board acknowledged the resignation of Thierry Breton and co-opted Didier Lombard as Director upon the recommendation of the Board's Selection Committee.
The Board of Directors of France Télécom appointed Didier Lombard Chairman and CEO of France Telecom.
Didier Lombard, Chairman of France Telecom, made the following statement: "I am extremely honored by the responsibility conferred on me today by the Board of Directors. I should like, on behalf of the Board, to pay a warm and friendly tribute to Thierry Breton, who directed the Group's financial recovery, finalized the reintegration into the Group of strategic assets, and formulated a clear vision that will shape the Group's strategy and development for several years to come. I am proud to have served the Group alongside him in the past. In the future, together with the management and employees of the France Telecom Group, we are determined to pursue our integrated-operator strategy, to make even faster progress in implementing our vision in service of our customers, and to continue along the path of operational excellence in furtherance of our financial commitments."
France Telecom SA