HELSINKI -- The European Commission today announces the approval of the merger between Swedish and Finnish telecommunications companies Telia and Sonera. The approval is based on the following commitments agreed by Telia and Sonera: - Telia has committed to sell the mobile operations, dealership chain and wireless LAN business in Finland. In addition, the combined company has agreed to provide to the purchaser of its mobile operations in Finland national roaming on commercial terms and at a fair price if the purchaser does not already have a nationwide GSM network in Finland. - Telia has committed to sell its comhem AB cable business and related network in Sweden. - The combined company has committed to ensure that its fixed and mobile network businesses in Sweden and Finland are held in separate legal entities, which are distinct from related retail activities. The network companies' boards of directors will include an external director appointed according to corporate law. This commitment can be revised after five years. - The combined company has committed to make available to telecommunications operators in Sweden and Finland its regulated wholesale fixed and mobile network products and international GSM roaming in Sweden and Finland on a non-discriminatory basis compared to the terms on which they are offered internally within the combined company. Pertaining to the roaming product, Telia-Sonera will have the right to require reciprocity in respect of prices, quality and other conditions. This obligation to provide services on a non-discriminatory basis is in force for a period of three years and will be subject to a fast-track dispute resolution procedure by arbitration. The Swedish fixed (Skanova) and the Finnish mobile networks are already today operated separately. The Finnish fixed network is currently operated in a subsidiary (Sonera Carrier Network Ltd.). Telia AB Sonera Corp.