FAIRFAX, Va. -- The Board of Directors of Cambrian Communications, a wholesalebroadband service provider, has named William A. Opet President andCOO. The appointment is effective March 1, 2002. This key seniormanagement move reflects the company's growth from building itsall-optical metropolitan area network (MAN) to becoming a fullyoperational and customer-focused provider of broadband services. Opet joined Cambrian as President of Network Services in October 2001. "We are building a profitable wholesale telecommunications business,"says Cambrian's Chairman and CEO, Brian Oliver, who co-founded thecompany with Jose A. Cecin, President of Network Development. "Bill hasthe experience and the knowledge to lead Cambrian in selling ourproducts and supporting our customers. Under his leadership, Cambrianwill have the products, the pricing and the expertise to meet theparticular needs of any ISP, carrier, reseller, data center operatorand value-added service provider."Cambrian Communications LLC