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11:00 AM Bow to the rabbit!
April 15, 2010
11:00 AM -- Too late for Easter, alas, comes this story from London's TimesOnline on how to have a good hare day:
Cliff Penrose, a moustachioed Cornishman from St Austell, has perfected a curious ritual that appears to make rabbits relax and fall into a trance. He is the first rabbit whisperer — or at least the first person to lay claim to the title.
It has been, so far, a secret brotherhood. Dan Brown is on the case.
Key to success of the ritual:
"...you must make sure you bow to the rabbit."
If the bunny remains unplacated by your act of obeisance, there's always the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch...
— Larry, Attack Monkey, Light Reading
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