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Releases 1x8 Planar Lightwave Circuit Splitter to aid design engineers in CATV, Access, APON, and other broadband applications
February 25, 2002
SUNNYVALE, Calif. -- Alliance Fiber Optic Products, Inc.(Nasdaq: AFOP), a leading supplier of fiber optic components and integrated modules for the optical network equipment market, today announced the release of a 1x8 Planar Lightwave Circuit Splitter to aid design engineers in CATV, Access, APON and other broadband system applications where exceptional split characteristics are required. AFOP’s PLC Splitter significantly reduces the space needed for branching fiber optic signals. Based on silica/silica and silica/silicon waveguide fabrication technologies, AFOP believes its new PLC Splitter can cost effectively offer high-port count splitters for widespread applications in the broadband and fiber access markets. AFOP’s PLC Splitter is designed to meet the most demanding Telcordia requirements for performance and reliability.The features of AFOP’s PLC Splitter line include a small footprint OEM-friendly housing, high uniformity across all ports and wavelengths, low insertion loss, and ultra-low PDL performance across all ports. AFOP’s PLC Splitter is currently available in 1x8 configurations, with 1x16, 1x32 and 2xN models under development. AFOP’s splitters are available with factory mount connector types including SC, FC, LC, and MU.Alliance Fiber Optic Products Inc.
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