WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Uniting in an effort to advance new, last mile broadband investment and deployment in the U.S., six inter-industry trade associations today announced the formation of the High Tech Broadband Coalition (HTBC) – an ad hoc alliance representing the computer, telecommunications equipment, semiconductor, consumer electronics, software and manufacturing sectors. Leaders of the coalition explained that HTBC is committed to the rapid and ubiquitous deployment of fast, interactive, content-rich and affordable broadband services. HTBC trade association members include: Business Software Alliance (BSA), Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), Information Technology Industry Council (ITIC), National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) and Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA). “HTBC brings a new and focused perspective to the broadband debate that has been missing to date,” said CEA President and CEO Gary Shapiro. “Widespread availability of broadband is the fuel that will help drive the next revolution in consumer technologies and bring consumers the benefits and wonder of high-speed Internet access. CEA is eager to participate as part of this new coalition toward the common goal of affordable, ubiquitous broadband so that consumers can enjoy the full promise of current and future technologies.” Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)