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Huawei defies US to grow market share as RAN decline ends – Omdia
The worst is now behind vendors in the market for mobile network equipment, with Omdia forecasting slight growth outside China this year.
October 14, 2013
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Kentrox, Inc., an innovator of intelligent site monitoring, management, and control solutions, has been selected by Claro Argentina to provide power and security management at their cell sites throughout Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. Claro Argentina, one of America Movil’s (NYSE: AMX) largest business units, is a leading wireless provider throughout the country.
Claro’s recent installation of comprehensive site management includes the Kentrox Optima Management System for complete visibility and control of Claro’s cell sites and its assets. The Remote RMM-1400 provides wired and wireless IP network connectivity for automated site monitoring and control, and the Remote RMB-1 adds intelligent I/O connections. These products and associated sensors and controllers are working together to provide generator management, fuel monitoring, AC and DC power monitoring, and surveillance management at Claro’s remote cell sites.
Legacy generators are used at many of Claro’s remote sites as the backup power source, but unfortunately, fuel theft from the generators has become common throughout the country. The Kentrox solution constantly monitors the status and health of the generators plus their associated fuel levels and notifies Claro when high fuel consumption occurs (often caused by theft) or if there is a presence of water in the fuel tank.
Kentrox LLC
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