How next-gen broadband gateways unlock service innovation and exceptional user experiences with 10G Fiber, Wi-Fi 7 and a software-defined architecture
With high-performance 10G-PON fiber access, subscribers’ expectation of broadband access expands well beyond basic connectivity to enable next-gen immersive experiences. For broadband service providers, this is an opportunity to capitalize on the home gateway as a vehicle for growth, expanding service innovation and take an active part in managing their subscribers’ digital life.
Date: Oct 19, 2023
Duration: 1 Hr
In this webinar, we’ll discuss the building blocks needed to transform next-gen broadband gateways from basic connectivity platforms into services platforms enabling service providers to engage with their subscribers with user-centric, adaptive services that can be personalized and continuously updated.
Join the webinar to learn:
How Wi-Fi 7 advanced features like ultra-wide channels and multi-link operation unleash the full high-speed and low-latency potential of XGS-PON technology to be delivered seamlessly through the home.
How end-to-end service orchestration enables service providers to manage in-home connectivity and deliver consistent Quality of Experience.
How a programmable software defined gateway architecture is necessary to accelerate deployment of differentiated services and value-added applications.
How insights into in-home network health and performance unlock operation efficiencies enabling service providers to manage service levels and resolve performance issues proactively.
Ruth Brown
Principal Analyst – Mobile Networks & 5G,
Heavy Reading
Ganesh Swaminathan
VP & GM, Wireless Infrastructure and Networking,
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
About the Author
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