AUGSBURG, Germany -- Kontron, a leading global provider of Embedded Computing Technology (ECT), announces that it will merge with S&T Deutschland Holding AG. The merger had been resolved at both the Kontron Annual General Shareholder Meeting (AGM) as well as the AGM of S&T Deutschland Holding AG on June 19 and June 20 respectively.
After the merger the brand "Kontron" will continue to provide its customers with integrated solutions for embedded modules, boards and systems, Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 applications. With more than 2,300 experienced engineers from both OT and IT backgrounds, Kontron together with S&T will offer further innovative solutions for the seamless and secure connection of embedded systems into the Embedded Cloud.
Through S&T Group's software know-how Kontron will be able to extend its portfolio of software applications and services and thus consolidate its technological leadership position. Leveraging the Original Design Manufacturing Services (ODM) by Foxconn subsidiary Ennoconn, Kontron will be able to fulfill even large delivery options moving forward. The extended product and services portfolio will help Kontron customers reduce time-to-market for products of their own significantly.
The merger creates additional cost-saving opportunities and simplifies the group's organization further. A lean management structure and more effective decision-making will shorten development times and evolutionary cycles.
In the beginning of 2017 Kontron restructured its regional areas of responsibility creating clear fields of competences and accountability of success. As S&T Group is also organized on a regional level, Kontron customers will face new reference contacts only in very few exceptional cases after the merger.
In association with S&T Group, Kontron regains a solid financial foundation facilitating future investment and innovation.
Together Kontron and S&T strive to become technology and industry leaders in the ECT, IoT and Industry 4.0 markets. Both companies aim to achieve combined sales between EUR 860 and 890 million in fiscal year 2017, and plan to break the one billion Euro mark in revenues in 2018.
Kontron AG