NEWBURY, U.K. -- Exony, the leader in interaction intelligence software, today announced that the Exony Suite of products has met the Cisco Technology Developer Program's criteria for interoperability with both the Cisco Unified Contact Centre and the Cisco Intelligent Contact Management (ICM) range of products.
Exony joined as a Cisco Technology Developer Program Partner in the Unified Communications segment of the program. Through participation in the Cisco Technology Developer Program, the Exony Suite provides a range of enhanced features to both enterprise and service provider customers who utilise Cisco Unified Contact Centre or ICM solutions. With a focus on improving visibility, control and performance of multi-site virtualised customer service environments, Exony enables customers to enhance their integration, reporting, management information and analytics capabilities, thus improving their customers' interaction experience.
The Cisco Technology Developer Program sets criteria for interoperability testing and helps leading product and services firms to deploy innovative business solutions. The program provides enterprise and service provider customers with information regarding Cisco Technology Developer Partner products and services that the Cisco Technology Developer Partner believes meet the program's criteria for interoperability with Cisco networking technology.
Cable & Wireless, an international communications company, has been working with Exony for over five years to enhance its Cisco-based Contact Centre platform. In addition, Cable & Wireless customers such as Alliance & Leicester and The Home Office benefit from highly secure partitioning, business user empowerment, improved management information capabilities and enhanced customer 'self-care' enabled by the Exony Suite.
"The innovations in the Exony suite, coupled with its tight tested integration with Cisco platforms, ensures our customers receive improved management capability of their contact centres," said Dave Gooding, Senior Product Manager at Cable & Wireless.
"Cisco supports open, standards-based architectures and shares a commitment to interoperable solutions with Exony. Through this vision, the Cisco Technology Developer Program delivers the power of choice to enterprises and service providers-the ability to extend the Cisco end-to-end architecture with our participants' solid products and technologies," said Neil Warner, Product Manager, IPC EMEA for Cisco Systems. "With Cisco Technology Developer Program member offerings such as the Exony Suite, customers can deploy a broad range of business solutions that foster innovation and drive rapid adoption of business-critical technologies."
Exony Ltd.
Cisco Systems Inc. (Nasdaq: CSCO)