PETALUMA, Calif. -- Calix, Inc. (NYSE:CALX) today announced that Broadband Stimulus awardwinner Audeamus, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sebastian Enterprises, andBaca Valley Telephone Company, Inc. (Baca Valley) have each selected theCalix B6 Ethernet Service Access Nodes (ESANs) for their respective FiberForward initiatives to bring advanced broadband services to the residents,businesses and community institutions of their respective regions ofCalifornia and New Mexico. Capable of delivering advanced Ethernetservices over both fiber and copper, the B6 ESAN will leverage both ActiveEthernet (AE) and asymmetric digital subscriber line 2 plus (ADSL2+)technologies to flexibly bring fast high-speed Internet and reliable voiceservices to these communities. The awards together total more than $8.7million in overall funds, including two grants totalling $4.3 million andtwo loans for $4.4 million for plant engineering, materials, labor, andother costs, including access equipment.
The Audeamus Broadband Stimulus initiative will leverage AE technologyacross the B6 ESAN and the 2000 family of ONTs to deliver advancedbroadband services capable of delivering up to 1 gigabit per second (Gbps)of symmetrical bandwidth to each subscriber. This will bring one of thenation's fastest broadband access infrastructures to the communities ofSan Joaquin, Tranquillity, and a portion of rural West Fresno County,California. Approximately 5,000 people, as well as businesses, schools,medical facilities, government and other community anchor institutions,will potentially benefit from advanced IPTV, voice, and ultra-fast dataservices delivered to these communities.
"With the federal stimulus funds and the field-proven experience of avendor like Calix, our rural communities will benefit from advancedcommunication connectivity that will open the door for them to compete intoday's global economy," said Mitch Drake, general manager of SebastianEnterprises. "Until now, residents and businesses in these counties wereseverely limited in their ability to access broadband. Once this projectis completed, we believe our county will have one of the most advancedbroadband infrastructures in the country."
Calix Inc. (NYSE: CALX)