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Atreus Systems introduces new version of its xAuthority service fulfillment solution
March 26, 2002
CUPERTINO, Calif. -- Atreus Systems™, a servicefulfillment leader for next-generation networks, today introduced theAtreus xAuthority 2.3 Service Fulfillment Solution – a software platformthat helps carriers and service providers leverage existing networkinfrastructure through the delivery of advanced IP services andapplications.Designed to scale to millions of subscribers, the latestrelease of Atreus xAuthority introduces several feature-richenhancements, including additional automated workflow capabilities fordynamic service activation and delivery; a library of vendor-specificService Drivers that quickly integrate service offerings across avariety of equipment, technologies, and computing/application resources;and a Service Driver Toolkit that helps service providers and systemsintegrators independently develop, deploy and maintain Service Driversfor multiple services and vendor-specific devices."We began our work with Atreus xAuthority to achieve single sign-oncapability and activation of IP services in the eBusiness portalenvironment," said Michael Costello, VP Network Operations and BusinessSystems at Aliant Telecom. "We saw considerable strategic value inexpanding this role and embedding Atreus xAuthority into the core OSSarchitecture. This will enable Aliant Telecom to create a common,converged infrastructure for Authenticating, Ordering, Activating,Consuming and Billing IP application services across our multiple linesof business."Atreus Systems Inc.
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