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A Nokia sale of mobile, especially to the US, would be nuts
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Dancom Pakistan installs NGN technology from ZTE to provide integrated voice and data services in 14 major cities
December 21, 2004
SHENZHEN, China -- ZTE Corporation, China’s flagship telecommunications company, is to provide its world-leading Next Generation Network (NGN) technology to Dancom Pakistan (Pvt.). The network will cover 14 major cities in Pakistan and help Dancom provide integrated data and voice services to its local subscribers.
This is the latest NGN success for ZTE: the Corporation pioneered the technology as early as 2001 and has already provided networks in Asia and Europe. ZTE commits about 10% of revenues annually to research and development and has helped worldwide operators construct NGN networks, including Postelecom of Romania, Digitel of the Philippines, Wharf T&T of Hong Kong SAR, China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Netcom.
“Since its creation 19 years ago, ZTE’s solid foundation has been built upon world-class people backed by funding to support the development of world-class products and we are now seeing the benefits of that policy across the world,” said Chen Jie, ZTE’s Vice President.
“We are very proud of our pioneering position on NGN and Pakistan is now set to have a truly world leading technological system that its people can use and benefit from.”
As one of the major LDI/LL (Long Distance International) telecom service providers in Pakistan, holding licences for 14 Telecom regions in the country, Dancom Pakistan (Pvt.), has signed the one of the largest LDI-NGN contracts, with ZTE, on a turnkey basis. The contract covers equipment including ZXSS10 serial NGN products, ZXR10 serial IP Routers, a ZXIN10 Broadband IN Platform and the ZXT10 advanced billing system.
The ZTE NGN solution will be the latest modernisation of the Pakistan network, which is four times the size it was in 1990, with more than four million fixed lines, over 2.5 million cellular users and around 1.5 million Internet users. The modernisation is all part of government targets to raise teledensity (telephones per population) from the 2002 figure of 2.5% to 7% by 2010.
ZTE Corp.
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