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Huawei defies US to grow market share as RAN decline ends – Omdia
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OTDR functionality simplifies provisioning and monitoring of optical links
February 23, 2010
NORCROSS, Ga., and MARTINSREID/MUNICH, Germany -- ADVA Optical Networking today introduced to its flagship FSP 3000 platform an integrated Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) capability for end-to-end analysis and monitoring of the fiber transport network. ADVA Optical Networking’s OTDR functionality enables enterprises and network operators to more quickly provision new services by easily testing dark fiber for issues or, for the first time, to perform in-service OTDR monitoring and rapidly identify and isolate fiber issues without interruption of existing services.
“With our introduction of a sophisticated OTDR tool — cost-effectively integrated in our FSP 3000 solution — our customers are now able to more efficiently and accurately troubleshoot new and existing optical networks,” said Christoph Glingener, chief technology officer for ADVA Optical Networking. “Ultimately, OTDR functionality shortens our customers’ time-to-service as they deploy networks. It also reduces downtime and enhances application security by eliminating surprises when turning up new services and enabling the operators to locate and eliminate fiber issues more quickly.”
ADVA Optical Networking
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