
Ad Specifications Home


*Please note that animated gifs will not animate in MS Outlook, we recommend if you do use animated gifs to have all important information in the first frame as that will be what shows as a static image for MS Outlook users.It is the advertiser’s responsibility to maintain the link for the duration of the ad.URL required

Image dimensions

Leader ad:728x90Rectangle:300x250Image + Copy:180x150 logo/image

File size

Leader ad:72 ppiMax File Size 200 KBRectangle:72 ppiMax File Size 200 KBImage+Copy:72 ppiMax File Size 200 KB

Image file types

Leader ad:JPEG, GIF, PNG and animated GIF. Animated GIFs need to have all important info in first frame. Max of 3 loops and max of 4 frames.Linking URL (tied to graphic)Rectangle:JPEG, GIF, PNG and animated GIF. Animated GIFs need to have all important info in first frame. Max of 3 loops and max of 4 frames.Linking URL (tied to graphic)Image+Copy:Title: 50 characters Body Copy: Max of 150 characters

Materials Due

5 business days prior to posting

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