FRANKFURT, Germany -- International Carrier Sales & Solu-tions (ICSS), the carriers’ carrier division of T-Systems, is launching wholesale IP-VPN, a solution for carriers and service providers. This allows T-Systems customers and partners to expand their portfolios to include managed value added solu-tions without significant investment.
“With ICSS’ customized and flexible wholesale IP-VPN solution, our customers can differentiate themselves from competitors by offering and supporting new and profitable service models,” explains Stefanie Kalmbach, Executive Vice President, IP and Carrier Solutions, T-Systems. Businesses are turning more and more to IP-VPN, to ex-tend their communications infrastructure with a need to provide so-phisticated solutions to optimize end-to -nd delivery. Businesses re-quire critical applications to cross the network in a secure environment whilst reducing expenditure and improving connectivity. T-Systems’ wholesale IP-VPN solution addresses all of these con-cerns.
The IP-VPN solution allows customers to expand their portfolios to include remote access or site-to-site solutions without significant in-vestment and have ICSS manage it, so that they can concentrate on their core competencies. ICSS’ solution helps carriers and service providers to simplify and provide faster implementation, while reduc-ing capital and operational costs. This enables T-Systems’ carrier and ISP customers to cater to small, medium and large enterprise outsourcing needs, and establish a base for value-added solutions to their end customers, such as managed security, IP telephony, hosted applications, e-commerce and content delivery.
By integrating Layer 2 and Layer 3 VPN infrastructures, ICSS’ IP-VPN solution enables carriers and service providers to operate any access technology via T-Systems’ Telekom Global Net. Customer benefits include: access to the largest pan-European network and global coverage, state-of-the-art MPLS-based network, stringent quality of service guarantees, round-the-clock maintenance and su-pervision of routers worldwide, along with maximum business flexibil-ity with different service options (either MPLS Layer 2 or Layer 3 based).
T-Systems Inc.