KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia -- Motorola Inc.(NYSE: MOT) today announced that Motorola Technology Sdn Bhd ("MotorolaPenang") has set up a new MMU-Motorola Wireless Broadband Technology Lab atMultimedia University ("MMU"), Cyberjaya, providing a conducive wirelessnetwork environment for students and faculty members to conduct appliedresearch on the latest wireless broadband technologies. The Wireless BroadbandTechnology Lab is the first of its kind in Malaysia and supports MMU's goal to"Enable the Knowledge Society through WiMAX".
The lab at MMU is Motorola's latest contribution to the educationcommunity, strengthening the company's support to human capital development atuniversities around the world. The Wireless Broadband Technology Lab providesacademics and researchers with an opportunity to gain hands-on experience withvarious fixed, nomadic and mobile MOTOwi4(TM) wireless broadband technologiesand applications, keeping them up-to-date with the latest developments.
Mr. Yew Tian Tek, managing director of Motorola Penang said, "Motorolaalways looks for opportunities to collaborate with universities in innovativetechnology areas in which MMU has distinct competencies. Motorola decided tojoin force with MMU as the two parties have enjoyed a long-term andconstructive working relationship over the past 10 years. We also share amutual appreciation of the advantages and benefits of Wireless BroadbandAccess technology including WIMAX. The Lab strategically aligns with MMU'splans to further expand its WiMAX research interests."
Motorola Inc. (NYSE: MOT)