Description | Native advertising runs like an ad, but looks like an article and infeed headline. Use your content or content developed exclusively by Informa experts for brand building and thought leadership. Your content is promoted with a prominent headline infeed and as sponsored content running alongside Informa brand related articles. |
Details | Third party impression or third party click trackers are allowed to run with Native AdsStatic image only.URL required. |
Image Dimensions | Native Advertisement:250x250 pixelsNative Featured (Homepage):480x270 pixels |
Image File Size | 100 kb max |
Image File Formats | JPEG, GIF, or PNG |
Text | Native Advertisement:Headline: 50 characters (max)Summary: 150 characters (max)Native Featured (Homepage):Headline: 50 characters (max) Summary: 150 characters (max) |
Material Due | 5 business days prior to posting |
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