WEST WARWICK, R.I. -- Since Cox Enterprises Chairman and CEO Jim Kennedy announced "Cox Conserves" in 2007, the company's 80,000 employees nationwide stepped up to meet his challenge. The goal: reduce the company's energy consumption by 20 percent by 2017. Locally, Cox Communications' New England operations are well on their way to exceeding company and industry standards for this ambitious program.
Cox Conserves is a national corporate program that includes the company's six major subsidiaries. The program enables and encourages Cox's 80,000 employees and families to engage in eco-friendly practices that reduce energy use and promote sustainability. Since 2000, Cox Enterprises has reduced its energy consumption by 10 percent while growing at nearly 12 percent a year. Building on this success, the goal of Cox Conserves is to reduce its energy consumption by an additional 20 percent by 2017.
In New England, Cox has focused its efforts on the environmentally-friendly three Rs:
-- Reduce the amount and toxicity of trash discarded as well as the amount of energy consumed;
-- Reuse containers and products;
-- Recycle as much as possible, including buying products with recycled content.
"D.E.M. is always pleased to hear of an environmental success story. Cox's environmental initiatives cover more than just recycling, as they also involve waste reduction and energy conservation," said Alyson Silva, commercial recycling coordinator for The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM).
Cox Communications Inc.