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BFi OPTiLAS informs that CyOptics had introduced 10-Gig TOSAs with a wide operating temperature range of -40°C to +90°C for DWDM applications
July 31, 2008
LEHIGH VALLEY, Pa. -- CyOptics Inc., a leader in Indium Phosphide (InP) optical chip and component technologies, today announced the availability of its 10Gbps XMD TOSAs (Transmit Optical Sub-Assemblies) and TOSAs with integrated driver IC enabling DWDM 80km applications with an extended operating temperature range.
The new 10Gbps Miniature Device (XMD) Multi-Source Agreement (MSA) TOSAs, 1625L3 for 40km and 1626L3 for 80km applications are available for an extended operating temperature range of –40 to +90degC, while the 10Gbps TOSAs with integrated driver IC, 1635L7 (40km) and 1636L7 (80km), are offered for an operating temperature range of -5 to +85degC. All products target high performance XFP transceivers addressing OC-192/STM-64 SONET/SDH, 10Gbps DWDM and 10 Gigabit Ethernet applications. Both product families deliver very low, industry leading thermo-electric cooler power consumption values over the entire temperature range of less than 0.8W for the 1626L3 and, less than 1.2W for the 1636L7.
The introduction of the extended temperature TOSA devices enhances the CyOptics 10Gbps product portfolio of FP, DFB, and EML-based TOSAs as well as PIN and APD-based ROSAs (Receive Optical Sub-Assembly). CyOptics products meet the stringent RoHS 6/6 environmental compliance requirements. CyOptics’ core competencies include chip level design and fabrication and precision automated packaging and test.
CyOptics Inc.
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