CUPERTINO, Calif. -- RazaMicroelectronics, Inc. (RMI®), a worldwide leader in advanced semiconductor solutionsfor the next-generation Information Infrastructure, and AMD (NYSE: AMD) todayannounced that the two companies have entered into a broad strategic relationship.As a key part of this cooperation, RMI will acquire the MIPS-based AMD Alchemy™processor product line and operations from AMD, and AMD will become an investor inRMI. The Alchemy product line acquisition forms the basis for a broad strategicrelationship between AMD and RMI to cooperate in a number of different areas,including the recently announced "Torrenza" platform.
“We are extremely pleased to enter into a strategic relationship with AMD and to bringthem on as an investor. RMI is continuing to expand its product offerings and customerbase, and the acquisition of the Alchemy product family bolsters our portfoliosignificantly,” said Atiq Raza, chairman and chief executive officer, RMI. “Having a highperformanceoffering optimized for low-power applications enables us to leverage ourexisting successes in the networking and security markets and significantly extends ourcustomer penetration into the Consumer Electronics markets. RMI endorses AMD64 asthe innovation platform for the industry, and fully embraces the ‘Torrenza’ ecosystemdevelopment initiative.”
Both AMD and RMI have committed to a seamless customer transition and RMI iscommitted to a significant investment in designing and extending the Alchemy productfamily and roadmap.“RMI is a well-respected company and we believe that RMI is in an excellent position toleverage their MIPS technology leadership to invest in the future growth of the worldclassAlchemy processor family,” said Hector Ruiz, chairman of the board and chiefexecutive officer of AMD. “We anticipate that the cooperation between AMD and RMI willhelp further accelerate RMI’s success while benefiting Alchemy customers, and we lookforward to participating in that future success.”
Raza Microelectronics Inc.