CHELMSFORD, Mass. -- 2010 should be viewed as the year distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks became mainstream as many high profile attacks were launched against popular Internet services and other well known targets. The year also witnessed a sharp escalation in the scale and frequency of DDoS attack activity on the Internet. The 100 Gbps attack barrier was reached for the first time while application layer attacks hit an all-time high. Service providers experienced a marked impact on operational expense, revenue loss and customer churn as a result, according to a report issued today by Arbor Networks, a leading provider of security and network management solutions for converged carrier networks and next-generation data centers.
Arbor’s longstanding relationships and reputation as a trusted advisor and solution partner to service providers and network operators across the globe make this annual report possible. The report offers a rare view into the challenges of network operators on the front lines of a global battle against botnets and DDoS attacks. It is designed to provide data and insight that will enable network operators to make more informed decisions about their security strategies to ensure availability for mission-critical Internet and other IP-based infrastructure.
“Arbor Networks’ research is utterly indispensible for anyone who wants to understand the network security landscape, how it is evolving and what the implications may be,” said Ethan Zuckerman of Harvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society.
Arbor Networks