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LEA introduces range of high-performance DSL master splitters for triple-play
June 21, 2005
PARIS -- LEA today announced the introduction of a complete range of high-performance DSL master splitters. For DSL subscribers worldwide, filters and splitters are indispensable accessories that separate high-frequency DSL signals from low frequency phone signals, thus ensuring a high quality voice service and an error-free DSL link. Master splitters are located at the point of entrance of the phone line to the office or home, and unlike micro-filters, can support an unlimited number of phones. Master splitters also ensure a more robust protection against impulsive noises that can impair or disrupt DSL service.
The new LEA master splitters are designed with a convenient and pleasing casing. Several carefully thought-out features allow for easy and fast installation, without using any external tool:
A double connector set, including both RJ-11 and push-button terminal blocks for line-side and phone-side connections
A casing that can be opened and closed easily
Double-sided sticking tape to allow quick mounting on walls or other flat surfaces
Graphical, colour-based markings for each connection. A detailed installation guide is also available on the LEA web site to facilitate self-installation by end-users.
LEA master splitters have been designed to maximize performance of the Triple Play services currently being deployed by DSL service providers worldwide. Video streams and high bit-rate Internet access services carried over DSL lines are sensitive to various impulsive noises, including transient noises generated by phone service. Such noises are generated by ringing and the phone going on- or off-hook. When they occur, DSL service can be disturbed enough for a video stream to be perceptibly degraded or interrupted, or for the DSL modem to lose synchronization. LEA master splitters include high-quality components and specific circuit designs that offer enhanced protection against such issues.
The new product range includes filters for a wide variety of line impedances and network characteristics, thus covering most countries around the world. Supported DSL technologies include ADSL, ADSL2/2+, VDSL and VDSL2.
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