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Avanex will display its expanded portfolio of subsystem and modular optical solutions during OFC 2002
March 13, 2002
FREMONT, Calif. -- Avanex Corporation (Nasdaq: AVNX), the global provider of photonic processors that enable next-generation performance for optical communications networks, will display an expanded portfolio of modular and subsystem products and technology solutions during the Optical Fiber Communications (OFC) conference at the Anaheim, Calif., Convention Center March 17-22. Avanex will be in Booth #1711, Hall H. The focal point of Avanex's display will be a live demonstration of wavelength connectivity and routing featuring Avanex's new PowerRouter(TM) Reconfigurable Optical Wavelength Router. The PowerRouter(TM) offers wavelength-selective all-optical channel routing with built-in dynamic channel equalization capability. It is fully software reconfigurable for any wavelength combination. In addition to its PowerRouter(TM), Avanex also will display a range of active, passive and reconfigurable photonic processors for wavelength grouping, multiplexing and transport, including its newly introduced PowerLeveler(TM) Dynamic Gain Equalizer, interleaver-based PowerMux(TM) NxG Wavelength Channel Processor, and PowerShaper(TM) FDS Dispersion Compensation Processor. "Avanex's emphasis on devising solutions that reduce total network costs will be clearly evident at OFC," Paul Engle, Avanex president and CEO, said. "Our recent product development initiatives and acquisitions have focused on modular optical product designs that ensure future upgradeability and flexibility, and on developing optical subsystems that incorporate higher levels of integration." Avanex Corp.
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