If you invested in WideOpenWest you are encouraged to obtain additional information by contacting Ross Shikowitz at [email protected], https://www.bfalaw.com/cases/wideopenwest-inc-investigation, or calling us at 212-789-3619.
Claim Details:
On May 3, 2024, WideOpenWest, Inc. announced receipt of an unsolicited non-binding preliminary proposal from DigitalBridge Investments, LLC and various Crestview entities to purchase all of the outstanding shares of WOW! that Crestview does not currently own for $4.80 per share in cash. BFA Law is currently investigating the proposal to determine whether WideOpenWest, Inc.'s board of directors is conflicted, engaging in an unfair process, and agreeing to an unfair amount to be paid to shareholders.
Read the full press release here.
Bleichmar Fonti & Auld LLP