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What Ericsson gets wrong in its doom-mongering about Europe's 5G
Europe's biggest 5G kit maker unsurprisingly thinks the world needs more 5G, but Europe does better on connectivity – if not tech – than Ericsson makes out.
TransPacket Fusion Control simplifies management of through circuit capabilities across packet networks, says vendor
June 19, 2013
OSLO -- TransPacket Fusion Control is a new network and element management platform for Fusion Ethernet products enabling through circuit capabilities across your packet networks. Telecom operators can run Fusion Control in standard browsers, facilitating Software Defined Networking and enhanced service management. TransPacket’s unique Fusion Networking Ethernet nodes are designed to provide the timing of circuit switching fused with the efficiency of packet switching. This allows through circuits to be provisioned across packet networks, integrated with packet switching on the same Ethernet wavelength. The result is the excellent timing of real circuits combined with the high throughput efficiency of packet networks using statistical multiplexing. TransPacket now offers a user-friendly and functionality-rich network management platform for the operator. TransPackets mission is to support operators with a full set of capabilities for offering through circuit quality connections across their packet networks. The Fusion Control network management platform brings back simplicity to the increasing complexity of transport networks.
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