NANTUCKET, Mass. -- The Internet Protocol Detail Record Organization (, the only industry consortium exclusively focused on developing and driving the adoption of next-generation IP (InternetProtocol) service usage exchange standards worldwide, and the TeleManagement Forum (TM Forum), a leading forum of more than 500 member companies in the information and communications services industries, today announced they are conducting a joint workshop at the industry's premier BSS/OSS event, TeleManagement World Americas, held at the Adams Mark Hotel and Convention Center in Dallas Dec. 4-7, 2006.
The workshop, to be held Thursday, Dec. 7 at 1 p.m., will focus on the integration of's technologies into TM Forum's New Generation Operations Systems and Software (NGOSS), which defines for Service Providers and their suppliers a comprehensive, integrated framework for developing, procuring and deploying operational and business support systems and software. President and COO Kelly Anderson commented, "The Internet Protocol Detail Record (IPDR) protocol is a 'service-neutral' specification that supports the gathering of metrics and detailed service information that can be applied to any IP service and application (i.e, gaming, IPTV, VoIP, and Video on Demand). As such, it makes it easier for Service Providers to deploy services while tracking, billing, and monitoring these important, revenue-generating services." (Internet Protocol Detail Record Organization)
TM Forum