Optima Uses Netmania's ACSLite
Optima Telekom chooses ACSLite as Netmania IT and Iskratel join forces
January 27, 2012
ELMHURST, U.K. -- Leading IT services and solutions provider, Netmania IT, has announced that Optima Telekom, Croatia’s second largest fixed telecom operator, is the latest provider to choose ACSLite in order to manage the company’s device estate for its 275,000+ customers.
The deal came about after Netmania IT teamed up with Iskratel, one of the top-ranking providers of state-of-the-art communications solutions with more than 50 years of experience in the telecommunications industry. Commenting on the partnership, Marko Maèek, Product Manager at Iskratel says: “We chose Netmania’s ACSLite device management solution because it fits in perfectly with Iskratel’s projects which involve the sale of our range of customer premises equipment."
Netmania IT Ltd.
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