PARIS -- Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) today announced that it has been selected by the OpenNet consortium, to be the System Integrator for its Operations and Business Support Systems (OSS and BSS) responsible for managing its nationwide all-fiber platform in the frame of Singapore’s Next Generation National Broadband Network (Next Gen NBN). Alcatel-Lucent will provide a turn-key solution to OpenNet, including software, hardware and professional services in support of OpenNet’s target NetCo operations and business models. Project will be completed in phases and full completion is targeted for July 2010.
The OpenNet consortium has been appointed by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) as the Network Company (NetCo) to design, build and operate the fiber infrastructure for Singapore's Next Gen NBN.
Alcatel-Lucent‘s turnkey OSS and BSS solution will meet equivalence of Input (EOI) requirements and create open access to OpenNet. The Solution will enable OpenNet to meet its contractual obligations towards IDA and run the operation in an efficient and fully automated manner at each stage of the activity cycles from the support of the initial fiber rollout to the most important aspect, providing services and handling the interactions with the Operating Companies (OpCos) and other Qualifying Persons (QPs).
“Alcatel-Lucent’s expertise in managing complex, IT System Integration projects will be a key asset to ensure the success of this strategic venture,” said Mrs. Tan Kah-Rhu, CEO of OpenNet. “Their extensive experience across the world in providing integrated OSS and BSS solutions will also help us meet our aggressive rollout schedule.”
Alcatel-Lucent (NYSE: ALU)