FREMONT, Calif. -- Avanex Corporation (Nasdaq: AVNX) will demonstrate and display solutions for optical communications ranging from ultra-long-haul to enterprise and storage networks during the 2004 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition.
Avanex will display more than 70 products, ranging from its building-block optical modules and components to its most recent advances in integrated subsystem solutions for the optical layer.
Featured active demonstrations at the Avanex booth will be the new PowerNode(TM) Flexible Optical Layer Solution, Avanex's leading low-cost integrated platform, and its new protocol independent PowerPort(TM) 10Gb/s XFP Transceivers for TDM and DWDM applications. Avanex will be in Booth #1309. OFC 2004 is being held Feb 22-27 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
"Avanex is firmly focused on advancing its leadership in network-ready and network-managed subsystems," Chairman and CEO Walter Alessandrini said. "Our PowerNode platform adds significant flexibility and value by enhancing the network-readiness of our proven solutions for essential optical layer functions such as wavelength multiplexing, wavelength add/drops, amplification and dispersion compensation."
Dr. Giovanni Barbarossa, Avanex's Chief Technology Officer and Vice President, Product Development, added, "While we are enthusiastic about the advances we are making to increase levels of integration, and flexibility, we are mindful of continuing to develop and enhance the building blocks that perform fundamental optical layer functions."
Barbarossa said that also prominent among the Avanex solutions on display at OFC will be two innovative Network Managed Subsystems introduced last fall -- the PowerExpress(TM) Network-Ready EDFA and PowerExchanger(TM) Network- Ready OADM. Both can be controlled by the network management system through management protocols such as TL1 and SNMP.
Here is a representative summary of other solutions for the optical layer that will be on display at the Avanex booth during OFC 2004:
Transmission: PowerSource(TM) laser modules, PowerSense(TM) receiver modules, PowerBit(TM) and Power(TM)Log LiNbO3 (Lithium Niobate) modulators, PowerReach(TM) 300 PIN MSA transponders, PowerPort(TM) XFP transceivers, and PowerFlex(TM) receivers and transmitters suited to applications at 2.5, 10 and 40 Gb/s. Solutions are available for TDM and DWDM applications at short-reach, intermediate-reach and long- reach distances, in a number of MSA form factors and at 1310 and 1550 nm windows.
Amplification: PureGain(TM) fixed-gain and variable-gain Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers and PowerPure(TM) and PowerDeep(TM) pump laser modules for terrestrial and submerged applications. The PureGain 2600 Optical Amplifier Series offers the best optical performance in the industry, and the PureGain(TM) line of amplification solutions continues to be an industry standard-setter, with more than one billion operational hours in customer networks.
Dispersion Compensation: Fixed and tunable dispersion compensation modules in the PowerShaper(TM) line, and PowerForm(TM) dispersion compensation modules for single-mode, LEAF(R) and non-zero dispersion- shifted fiber.
Multiplexing and Signal Processing: Examples from the PowerMux(TM), PowerFilter(TM) and PowerBragg(TM) families of multiplexers and multiplexer modules, interleavers, band separators, channel separators, and gain-flattening filters, all based on either fiber Bragg grating, thin-film filter or Gires-Tournois etalon technology.
Switching and Routing: The PowerExchanger(TM) Fixed and Power-Balanced OADMs, PowerAttenuator(TM) Variable Optical Attenuator and PowerFilter(TM) Passive Network Ready Solution.
Avanex Corp.