STOCKHOLM -- Teligent announced today new orders from the Kuwaiti mobile operator Wataniya Telecom regarding the delivery of SMSC, SMS Router and Missed Call Alert. The delivery is planned for the first quarter 2004.
Mobile data, including SMS related services, is increasingly important to mobile operators and Teligent offers various mobile data solutions, primarily within areas closely linked to the carriers' core offerings.
The Teligent SMS Router is a powerful building block for SMS network enhancement. The solution provides optimisation features to manage and control the distribution of increased SMS traffic, as well as offloading existing SMSCs. The SMS Router simplifies the introduction of new revenue generating services and forms a solid basis for all types of SMS services such as Missed Call Alert, SMS Voting, Broadcast Services and Information Requests such as traffic, stock and weather reports.
- Teligent's commitment as a supplier in the Middle East region combined with the Teligent P90/E platform technology has proven to be a strong combination for us, said Franco Ricotta, CTO of Wataniya Telecom. We are pleased to see how our initial investment in the platform technology has provided a basis for further development and for new services, which we are confident will meet both our own and our customers' needs and requirements.
Teligent set up a branch office in the Middle East earlier this year and has established a market presence in prioritised markets in the region.
- This order is a result of our successful relationship with Wataniya, a leading operator in the region, and is a follow up order of the previously delivered Pre-Paid Broker solution, commented Ulf Lindsten, CEO & President of Teligent. I also consider this to be a confirmation of our analysis of the region as well as our possibilities to grow further in this expansive part of the telecom world.
The delivery is based on the middleware platform, Teligent P90/E, which is implemented in various configurations by a large number of leading carriers in the international telecommunications market, including AT&T Wireless, BT, Telefonica, Telia, Tele2 and members of the Vodafone group.
National Mobile Telecommunications Co. (Wataniya Telecom)
Teligent AB