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A Nokia sale of mobile, especially to the US, would be nuts
Nokia's hiring of Intel's Justin Hotard to be its new CEO has set tongues wagging again about a mobile exit, but it would look counterintuitive and inadvisable.
24 fiber fan-out assemblies utilizing Concoursä Optical Circuit technology are now available from US Conec
August 10, 2004
HICKORY, N.C. -- Compact, durable, and cost-effective 24 fiber fan-out assemblies utilizing Concoursä Optical Circuit technology are now available from US Conec. These fan-out assemblies transition two multi-fiber ribbons into individual 900um buffered fibers for termination to any single fiber or duplex connector type. The transition is protected with a compact hard backing that adds strength to the low profile design.
This product is an excellent choice for all optical module boxes and enclosures. The novel "back-to-back" fan-out design minimizes the transition space required for multi-fiber ribbon to individual buffered fibers by eliminating the traditional, cumbersome breakout box. The Concours circuit mechanical features couple the bare fiber and the protective buffer tube to the flexible substrate, which eliminates fiber pistoning at the 900mm to 250mm transition resulting in a highly reliable fan-out interface for single mode or multi-mode fiber types.
Concoursä breakout assemblies offer a significant labor cost savings by eliminating the difficult fan-out and furcation operations. The completed fan-out coils easily into a normal fiber wrap eliminating special mounting of the transition. Unterminated assemblies are available in standard, stocked configurations.
Using Concours technology, specific OEM packaging requirements can be met for all sizes and shapes of durable low profile transitions. The fan-out design, available in any fiber count, is excellent for high channel count (16, 24, 32, 48, etc) requirements including multi-row MT ferrule termination and planar waveguide interfaces.
US Conec Ltd.
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