LONDON -- The UMTS Forum has confirmed its new work plan that focuses a commitment to support the global market success of 3G/UMTS. To take its agenda forward, the cross-industry Group has re-elected its Chairman, Jean-Pierre Bienaimé of Orange, and has elected a second Vice Chair, Gerry Collins of Nortel, to a two-year term.
"The UMTS Forum has played an important role in preparing the market for the launch of more than sixty 3G/UMTS networks worldwide. It provides valuable guidance to regulators and contributes with market inputs to the various standardisation bodies such as ITU, 3GPP and ETSI. I look forward to the UMTS Forum continuing to contribute in these important areas", said Peter MacKinnon, President GSM-UMTS of Nortel.
The new work plan opens the door to new members and allows for their contributions towards:
Continuing provision of inputs in anticipation of the next World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-2007) on spectrum requirements for 3G/UMTS evolution and coverage extension for large areas of low population density;
Contributing via 3GPP and with other industry fora to the evolution of fixed/mobile via a smooth IP migration path, and of radio access network enhancements via HSDPA/HSUPA.
Offering guidance to emerging markets and developing countries;
Promoting the 3GPP standards, the Forum's reports and papers globally and respond to forthcoming consultations from Regulators and Public Authorities;
Assessing the new value chain for 3G/UMTS and beyond - including the role of IT/media companies - plus studies of other complementary technologies.
"Since the late 1990s, the UMTS Forum has been a key driver in preparing the market for the launch of 3G services", comments UMTS Forum Chairman Jean-Pierre Bienaimé. "Now that these initial services have been launched, the challenge which the UMTS Forum has set itself in going forward is to assist in capitalising further on the promise of UMTS towards true mobile broadband and in advancing 3G development throughout the world, including in emerging markets."
UMTS Forum