SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Veraz Networks, Inc. today announced thatSirius Telecommunications ( will deploy additionalVeraz media gateways in New York and increase switching capacity by 50percent. The need for Sirius to add media gateways and additional VerazControlSwitch(tm) capacity is driven by the success of an initialinstallation in Los Angeles earlier this year. Veraz enables Sirius both toexpand cost-effectively to other U.S. or international cities and to meetthe demands of the rapidly growing wholesale VoIP switching market.
"Veraz has allowed us to become known as the 'we can' carrier, wheninternational carriers ask if we can interoperate with the various protocolsthey utilize, we can do it, and as a result our growth is beyond ourexpectations," said Chris Edgecomb, CEO of Sirius Telecom. "After extensiveresearch and evaluation of leading NGN solutions, we selected Veraz based ontheir ability to interoperate with a multitude of signaling protocolsallowing us to connect to more potential customers."
Veraz Networks Inc. (Nasdaq: VRAZ)