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Announces addition of a full L-band system to the Versalight OWR product line
July 9, 2001
BALTIMORE – NFOEC – Coming on the heels of adding 200GHz spacing and flat passbandcapabilities to its Versalight optical wavelength router (OWR), Lightchip, aprovider of intelligent optical transport solutions, today announced theaddition of a full L-band system to the Versalight OWR product line.Utilizing the Versalight L-band OWR allows metropolitan service providers todramatically expand network capacity while remaining at the robust200GHz-channel spacing. The OWR offers advanced network managementcapabilities, including optical power detection, craft interfaces, activechannel reporting, and standard network communications' options.William Emkey, Lightchip's vice president, product marketing, stated, "OurOWR's low insertion loss, athermality, and networking capabilities make itideal for metro applications. Its built-in management and networkingfunctions facilitate in-field service and link maintenance, as well asenabling new applications, such as monitoring fiber link loss. Because ofthe OWR's performance, our customers are able to reduce or eliminate opticalamplifiers, optimize fiber usage, and significantly enhance their networkmanagement. With the new L-band product our customers will be able toleverage these market advantages while cost-effectively expanding capacityon the robust 200GHz platform."Lightchip Inc.For more information on NFOEC, please visit the Light Reading NFOEC Site.
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