MUNICH -- Siemens Information and Communication Mobile Group (Siemens mobile) has added video streaming to the GPRS network of Westel Mobile Telecommunications Ltd. Westel is the market-leading mobile service provider in Hungary, having 3.4 million customers. In this context, the operator acquired a complete solution for video streaming from Siemens, acting as general contractor, which contains PacketVideo's mobile media platform. Subscribers with video-enabled mobile devices can now receive short MPEG-4 video clips. In addition, Westel provides proprietary and external video content, such as cinema trailers, via WAP. To use the new video service, Westel is offering GPRS-ready devices with PacketVideo player. Janos Winkler, Chief Marketing Manager at Westel explained, "Recently there has been much talk about future video services in third-generation networks. With this service we are proving that such services are already possible in today's GPRS networks." Dr. James Brailean, PacketVideo's chief executive officer, said, "This announcement demonstrates how companies with complementary capabilities such as Siemens and PacketVideo can collaborate to bring streaming video over a challenging radio environment such as GPRS." Siemens Information and Communications Networks Inc.Westel Mobil Telecommunications Co. Ltd. PacketVideo Corp.