MUNICH -- Munich-based WLAN-specialist Garderos and Airnyx AG starttheir first major partnership project by collaborating in the deployment of 400 hotspots. A fewweeks ago, Airnyx signed a cooperation agreement with Agip under which 400 of its gasstations will be equipped with WLAN-technology by the end of April 2004.
Airnyx has chosen Garderos’ "i250 Public WLAN-platform" as the access and billingsoftware. "We provide our customers with first class services, therefore we have chosenreliable partners," explains Volker Werbus, CTO of Airnyx. "Garderos’ software is a scalablesolution. It can be adapted to our business model and meets our demanding qualityrequirements." Hermann Knauer, Director Global Accounts of Garderos, adds: "A shortamortization period is a crucial factor for large-scale successes. In this respect, Garderosoffers the right combination of a powerful back end and low-cost access solutions."
A further plus of Garderos’ billing platform lies in the flexibility with regard to the paymentmethods: At gas stations, usage is billed per minute, either via roaming partners or prepaidcards, which are sold on the spot. Thus, customers can use their laptops to get smooth andeasy wireless access to the Internet, they can access corporate networks or send e-mailswhile out and about. To assure highest level of security, Airnyx is operating two independentGarderos billing platforms. They can automatically be switched over in case of interferences.
Central administration guarantees a high level of efficiency and service quality.For the operation of the hotspot at the Agip stations, Airnyx has not only teamed up withGarderos, but also with further strong partners. Intel, for instance, certifies all hotspots andtests the deployment of VPN-solutions, while T-Systems provides the integration of roamingpartners.
Hans Christensen, CEO of Garderos, regards the participation of Garderos as anhonor: "This project is a further milestone for our company. This is the time for large-scaleprojects as is clearly shown by the speed of Airnyx’ roll-out, and we are confident that ourplatform will be setting a quasi-standard for the market."
Garderos Software Innovations GmbH