BRISTOL, U.K. -- Evolved Intelligence, the network value added services company, has launched an anti-steering detection “widget” for the SS7 Roaming INSIGHT system. This “widget” monitors the stream of SS7 information and detects the “fingerprints” of several types of anti-steering activity.
The system provides a weighted confidence measure that anti-steering is occurring. It also provides a weighted total for the estimated effects for all types of anti-steering employed by each roaming partner. This allows the roaming manager to prioritise cases and compare between operators. As with all other quantities within SS7 Roaming INSIGHT, alarms can be set to automatically warn the roaming manager when levels of anti-steering exceed chosen trigger points.
According to Robin Burton, Head of Marketing at Evolved Intelligence, Anti-Steering is a big problem for operators: “Anti-steering can cost operators a lot of money. It directly interferes with their ability to select operators and therefore drives up costs and impacts the quality that they deliver to their customers. It also disrupts their ability to keep to agreements made with other operators. This system gives operators a direct, real-time, measure of the impact that anti-steering is having on their business. It shows them who the guilty roaming partners are and equips them to deal with the problem.”
Evolved Intelligence