LONDON -- Codian, a leading manufacturer of videoconferencing infrastructure, today announced that it has acquired Face ToFace Software Ltd, a privately held video conferencing software developmentcompany headquartered in Sydney Australia. The deal includes acomprehensive multi-MCU scheduling package which will form the basis of thenew Codian Management Platform.
David Holloway, CEO of Codian, commented: "Many of our customers haveasked us for a Codian solution for managing multiple MCU's and large scaleconferencing networks. We are delighted to have reached agreement with thetalented team at Face To Face to join Codian. This means that we can offerthe great management and scheduling software they have created as a trueCodian product. The new team will allow us to support and develop this keyapplication still further."
The Codian Management Platform (CMP) provides for schedulingconferences on the Codian MCU 4200, MCU 4500 and MSE 8000. It also enablesautomatic conference recording using the Codian IP VCR 2200. The systemcenters around an application server running Linux which delivers a highlyscalable solution. Users can schedule conferences with a Web browser,incorporating an attractive, easy-to-use Web 2.0 interface; or if theyprefer, they can use clients such as Microsoft Outlook. Designed for bothend users and administrators, CMP incorporates advanced features such asintegration with corporate authentication servers and address books as wellas intelligent resource allocation and resilience.
"It is very exciting to be joining the Codian team." said SimonDowney, formerly Sales Manager of Face To Face Software, "We are proud ofthe sophisticated product we have developed and we are determined to makethe scheduling and management of Codian products always a delight and nevera chore. We are looking forward to the challenge of integrating the rapidlyexpanding Codian product line."