STOCKHOLM -- WeRoam, the markets leading WLAN roaming platform and Aptilo Networks, the leading provider of carrier class PWLAN solutions are today disclosing their plans to enter into a partnership. The WeRoam service will be added to the Aptilo Service Management Platform as a standard option, which means that operators and wireless Internet service providers (WISPs), using the Aptilo platform to administrate their hotspot networks, soon will be able to activate a roaming connection to the thousands of hotspot locations in the WeRoam network simply by the click of a button.
By connecting to the global WeRoam roaming platform, service providers using the Aptilo solution will be able to achieve better capacity utilization of their wireless network as their hotspots will be available to customers of international mobile operators and telecommunications companies, without the need for prior registration.
WeRoam has internationally over 8.000 Wi-Fi hotspots connected to their open roaming platform, as a result of a very successful bridging between international WISPs and well-known mobile operators.
Service providers such as Copenhagen Airport, the Spanish WISP KubiWireless, who are using the Aptilo service platform have already decided to take advantage of WeRoam´s open roaming platform.
Aptilo Networks AB