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Telekom Srbija selects Alcatel to supply and deploy network equipment for its UMTS field trial and provide technical support
February 3, 2004
PARIS -- Alcatel (Paris: CGEP.PA and NYSE: ALA) has been chosen by TelecomSerbia (Telekom Srbija), the Serbian incumbent operator for a UMTS network field trial. Oncecompleted, this field trial will pave the way for the commercial launch of Telecom Serbia’s new enduser3G/UMTS services in the coming years.
In the framework of this field trial, Alcatel will supply and deploy Telecom Serbia’s full UMTS RadioAccess Network (UTRAN), including UMTS Multi-standard Base Stations (Node Bs), a Radio NetworkController (RNC), and the UMTS Operation & Maintenance Centre for Radio (UMTS OMC-R). Inaddition, Alcatel will provide Telecom Serbia with full technical support for the whole test periodduration.
The Serbian operator will be able to test UMTS services from the second quarter of 2004, coveringthe area of Novi Sad, in the North of the country.This new contract reinforces the long-term partnership between Telecom Serbia and Alcatel, also onthe mobile network. In fact, Alcatel is providing Telecom Serbia with the state-of-the art solutions infixed communications, such as switching, transmission, IP and ADSL access network. Recently, it hasalso been announced the expansion of national voice network, with an additional 500,000telephone lines.
"Telecom Serbia aims at providing the customers with the most advanced services, by keeping thepace with technology evolution and optimizing investments and operational costs. Alcatel waschosen as a partner because of its wealth of knowledge and expertise for deploying UMTStechnology and its long-lasting experience with Telecom Serbia. " declared Mr. Drasko Petrovicgeneral manager of Telecom Serbia.
"This new agreement further strengthens Alcatel’s partnership with Telecom Serbia, one of the mostactive operators in the area," added Marc Rouanne, Chief Operating Officer of Alcatel’s mobileactivities. This contract not only demonstrates our commitment to the Serbian operator’s businessand technological needs, but also reinforces Alcatel’s strong position in the whole Balkan region,both for fixed and mobile technologies."
Alcatel SA
Telekom Srbija a.d.
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