MPLS Forum Re-elects Marconi's Drury

Under Drury's leadership the MPLS Forum has more than quadrupled to over 65 companies since its founding earlier this year

September 25, 2000

1 Min Read

PITTSBURGH -- Marconi (London: MNI), a globalsupplier of advanced communications solutions, today announced that its vicepresident for technology strategy, David Drury, has been re-electedpresidentand chairman of the board for The MPLS Forum. The Forum is a fast-growingassociation of major networking and telecommunication companies focused onaccelerating the deployment of Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS). UnderDrury's leadership, the MPLS Forum's membership has more than quadrupled toover 65 companies since its founding earlier this year.

"I'm excited about the opportunity to continue working with The MPLSForum," Drury said. "I believe strongly that MPLS will be at the foundationof a key evolution in IP networking by delivering essential capabilitiessuchas advanced traffic engineering and hard Quality of Service (QoS) guaranteesto today's best-effort networks. The Forum is helping this occur byfacilitating MPLS deployments, championing interoperability initiatives,defining and verifying service-level agreements and developing educationalmaterials."

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