ORLANDO, Fla. -- Keynote Systems, theglobal leader in mobile and Internet test and measurement services, hasannounced the build-out of the world's largest globally distributed mobiletest and measurement network for interactive testing and monitoring ofwireless content, applications and services using both real and emulatedmobile devices on live wireless networks. Keynote's "shared infrastructure"will provide mobile content developers, service providers and carriers witha complete testing and monitoring service - on an "as-needed" basis - tobetter ensure the quality of their mobile content, services andapplications.
Keynote's on-demand, global testing and monitoring service will initiallyallow companies to measure and monitor their mobile applications, servicesand content quality on both real and emulated devices from 20 cities, acrossmore than 50 carriers worldwide, with additional cities and carriers to beadded as dictated by demand. Using the Keynote service, mobile operators,developers and content providers will, for the first time, be able tocost-effectively measure, monitor and manage the quality and performance oftheir mobile applications, services and content - all from their owndesktops.
Customers will access the global network using Keynote's two products:Mobile Device Perspective (MDP) and Mobile Application Perspective (MAP).Mobile Device Perspective addresses the challenge of testing and managingthe subscriber experience of today's increasingly complex mobileapplications by providing mobile operators, content developers and serviceproviders with an easy way to test and measure mobile content and servicesusing real devices, on live wireless networks, from multiple geographiclocations around the globe. MDP allows users to perform remote tests on realdevices, on more than 50 wireless networks, from multiple geographiclocations globally, all from their own desktops via the MyKeynote Webportal.
A complementary service, Mobile Application Perspective, provides customerswith an efficient, reliable, repeatable, interactive way to test andvalidate mobile content and applications on thousands of emulated deviceprofiles. All tests are done with an extensive, up-to-date library of 1,000+different emulated devices and user profiles, with the added ability to loadadditional device profiles into the library as needed.
To date, both MDP and MAP have been sold strictly as dedicated services tocompanies with more extensive mobile testing and monitoring needs. Withtoday's announcement of Keynote's expanded infrastructure, offered as ashared service, a wider range of companies will now be able to takeadvantage of MDP and MAP. Keynote's hosted, on-demand solution for bothmonitoring and testing of mobile content and services will be extremelyattractive to small and mid-sized companies, or to larger companies who arejust starting to test and measure their mobile applications and content.Testing will be sold by the daily time block, and measurements will be soldby the transaction. Prices start at $500 per day for interactive testingservices and $500 per month for transaction monitoring.
The two services that will now be offered on an "as-needed" basis are asfollows:
- Monitoring - This service provides companies with the ability to bookemulated and/or real handsets, for a block of time, for mobile content orservices monitoring. Keynote's mobile monitoring infrastructure will provideBOTH a limited number of real handsets and modems and access to more than1,000 emulated handsets in up to 20 locations globally.
- Testing - This service provides companies with the ability to book anemulated or real handset, for a block of time, for mobile content orservices testing. Keynote mobile testing infrastructure will provide a rangeof real handsets in two geographic locations, or access to more than 1,000emulated handsets in up to 20 locations globally, connected to live networksvia modems.
"With the announced build-out of our shared mobile test and measurementnetwork, Keynote is now able to provide our mobile test and measurementservice to the hundreds of small to mid-size mobile content developers andoperators looking for a cost-effective testing and monitoring solution,"said Umang Gupta, chairman and CEO of Keynote. "For the mobile Internet toreach the next level, users need to be confident that they will receiveconsistent quality of service from their premium data services, content andapplications. As we have done with the broader Internet, Keynote intends toprovide the trusted third-party performance data that will allow the mobileInternet to more fully mature and grow into a mass medium."
Keynote Systems Inc.