Holiday Cheer From PETA
Preaching to the worms
December 12, 2008
6:00 PM -- Having trouble coming up with a suitable gift for that irksome vegan on your list? PETA has the perfect suggestion:
Ever thought about how you might make your love of animals live on after you have gone to your grave? Well, now you can! PETA has teamed up with eco-friendly coffin maker The Old Pine Box to bring you what you never knew you always wanted: a PETA coffin!
There are several designs to choose from. One design allows the recently deceased to stake a claim as a "Lifetime PETA Member," while others give the departed the last laugh from a coffin that reads, "Told you I wouldn't be caught dead in fur!" or "Dead meat should be buried—not eaten." Hey, if you've been making waves as an animal rights activist your whole life, why stop there?
A happy, if garish, image, but is this ethical treatment of cadavers?
— Larry, Attack Monkey, Light Reading
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