CLEARWATER, Fla. -- Digital Lightwave®,Inc. (Nasdaq:DIGL - news), a leading provider of innovative opticalnetworkingproducts and technology, today announced that it has established aninternational distribution agreement with Wandel Global Services (WGS).Under the terms of theagreement, WGS will provide sales and customer support for the company'soptical diagnostic and monitoring equipment in the Asia-Pacific, andLatin Americaregions. WGS, which represents some of the world's leading communicationsystems and test equipment manufacturers, is owned and managed by formershareholders and executives of Wavetek Wandel & Golterman, a majorUS-European manufacturer of internetwork analysis solutions, which wasacquired byDynatech Corporation in 2000.
``We are pleased to have formed this partnership with WGS, whichfurthers our strategy of working with key distributors to penetrate newmarkets for ourproducts," said Gerry Chastelet, chairman, president and chiefexecutive officer of Digital Lightwave. ``WGS was established by a teamof experienced managersand engineers who have been working in the communications test industryfor decades. Their expertise and close customer relationships shouldserve us well as wecontinue to expand our addressable international market opportunities."