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Orange to deploy the heaviest network of optical household connections in Slovakia
March 23, 2007
PARIS -- Orange Slovensko, a subsidiary of France Telecom, announced yesterday its plans to deploy the most dense national network of optical household connections, available on the wider area of the country thus confirming the aim of its shareholder France Telecom Group to deploy a fixed telecommunication network based on FTTH (Fiber To The Home) technology in Slovakia. Thanks to this technology Orange will gain a few years start ahead its competitor already this year and will be ready to offer its customers with new multimedia services for life and entertainment. Orange is about to invest approximately 1 bil. SKK (32 million EUR) and cover almost 200,000 household by the end of the year.
After the success of the first phase of the optical fiber offer, Orange Slovensko will become the first telecommunication operator in Slovakia with nation-wide operations, who will invest into deployment of alternative fixed last mile thus being able to compete to the other providers of fixed data and voice services to households and companies. Orange will deploy the network using the ultimate technology of optical fibres terminated in the household of the customer. Optical connection have been deployed in Europe mostly in city quarters or districts, scattered in wider scope. Orange Slovensko will become the first operator in Europe who will deploy the FTTH network of connections on a wider area of the country pushing Slovakia by leaps and bounds not only towards information society but also amongst countries, like southeast Asia, many of them being a reference in optical network deployment. Optical connection will bring customers internet with speeds of tens of megabits per second and will provide them with services like reception of digital television, video and audio on demand, telephony and many other services. The main advantage of this new technology is to provide to the customers all those services with a high quality of service: High definition for the TV, high definition for the sound, very high speed for internet, multiset TV, usable simultaneously.
Orange plans to deploy optical connections in 10 Slovak cities, representing an investment of 1 bil. SKK and expected coverage of almost 200,000 households. The optical connection will not only give access to a wide range of news services, but it will also increase the value of the real estate. Orange has already signed some authorizations with Government and agreements with owner buildings. Orange will first invest in the cities where deployment will be facilitated.
„We are facing an exciting future when Orange also in Slovakia will turn from a mobile operator to full service telecommunication operator for households and business. The Orange brand will not only be a mobile brand but a brand for a wide range of services for life and entertainment provided through mobile and fixes optical network. The triple play concept, i.e. internet, TV and telephony via one optical line is just the beginning of this journey," Pavol Lančarič, general manager of Orange Slovensko, said.
Orange Slovensko a.s.
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