WeDo Tackles Carrier Cost Control in N America
New solution module enables service providers to provide critical reporting to comply with FCC Rural Call Completion Order.
June 12, 2014
WASHINGTON DC -- WeDo Technologies, a worldwide leader in enterprise business assurance, today announced the latest release of netCLARUS, the company’s flagship cost management solution designed to help carriers control and manage network usage costs in North America. netCLARUS 3.3 delivers two significant enhancements to service providers: the ability to quickly and easily comply with the new FCC Order regarding Rural Call Completion (RCC) reporting; and a daily long distance trunk reporting feature to catch sudden changes in long distance behavior and associated costs.
The FCC is set to release a new Order – Rural Call Completion, Docket 13-39 – that requires most service providers to record call completion data for all long distance calls, organize it in a specific way, retain it for six months, and file reports with the FCC on a quarterly basis. The netCLARUS 3.3 RCC module is available as a stand-alone solution, or as an add-on to netCLARUS, and it allows service providers to comply with the order out-of-the-box, without needing to develop the necessary storage and processing infrastructure or analytical expertise in-house.
WeDo Technologies
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